
READING- Why it’s worth it


READING- Why it’s worth it

Photo by Masjid Pogung Dalangan on Unsplash


Reading is not just entertainment or a way to acquire knowledge; it is also a practice that enriches our lives and positively affects our mental health. Books have accompanied humanity since ancient times, providing us with emotions, adventures, and knowledge. In today’s busy world, where technology dominates, it is worth returning to this traditional way of spending time. Why? Here are a few reasons.

1. Why reading is worthwhile:

Reading develops the mind, stimulates imagination, and enhances creativity. It is also an excellent way to expand vocabulary and improve language skills. Books allow us to immerse ourselves in different worlds, learn about diverse cultures, and gain new perspectives. Through them, we can delve into the most complex issues and grow intellectually.

2. The impact of reading on health:

An increasing body of research confirms the beneficial effects of reading on mental health. Regular reading reduces stress, improves concentration, and memory. Books can also serve as a form of therapy, helping us understand ourselves and the world around us. Therefore, it is worthwhile to reach for them both in moments of joy and sadness to find support and understanding.

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3. Reading as a form of relaxation and leisure:

We all need a moment to unwind from the daily hustle and bustle. Reading allows us to detach from reality, forget about problems, and immerse ourselves in a world of fantasy. It is also an excellent way to relax before bedtime since reading a book instead of an electronic screen helps us sleep better and rest. What’s more, getting lost in a gripping story can transport us to other times and places, offering an escape from our immediate surroundings.

4. Reading books as a source of inspiration and motivation:

Reading can be a source of inspiration for pursuing our dreams and goals. In books, we find characters who overcome difficulties and achieve success, which can be a stimulus for action and motivation to overcome our own limitations. Additionally, the authors’ wisdom and insights can provide valuable guidance and encouragement in your personal and professional lives.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

5. Books build interpersonal bonds:

Sharing our favorite books and discussing them can be a great way to build relationships with others. Reading the same books as friends or family members strengthens bonds and provides a common topic for conversation. Additionally, participating in book clubs or literary events fosters a sense of community and belonging by connecting us with like-minded individuals who share our passion .


In an age of information overload and fast-paced living, it is worth returning to the roots and discovering the magic of reading. It is not only a way to personal development but also a means of relaxation, inspiration, and building connections with others. Therefore, let books become our daily companions, and reading—an integral part of our lives.